Monday, September 24, 2007

Three Months On

In the tradition of quarterly reports, here's our own, non-traditional look back at the quarter since the launch.

It was just over three months ago that we arrived in Sironko with four laptops, a projector, a large dose of curiosity and no agenda.
Money in the kitty: $0.

Then we talked. To elders, teachers, kids, teens, parents - just about anyone who'd listen.

They told us that they really wanted the computers to stay - we had offered them the choice to say no.

So, we launched, in a building that the community donated.
Money in the kitty (thanks to YTF): $200.

Over the three months, we became more and more part of the community. We slept in the village, ate and drank together, shared laughs, played with the children, travelled squeezed together in the taxis, hung out with those our age, swapped stories, learnt about the hardships and shared in the joy.

And the community became more and more part of us. They came to learn, play and share, they helped paint, mop, varnish, sweep, teach, plan and they gave us suggestions, advice and encouragement.

And together we have been evolving, day by day, slowly losing any assumptions about what technology can or cannot do, what development is or isn't or what a young person in rural Uganda can or cannot achieve.

And we are discovering the awesome possibilities that arise when people come together - simply to explore what is possible.

Total contribution from friends, supporters and YTF spent so far: $1265
(The vast majority going towards laptop shipment, building renovation, the generator and furniture.)
Fees charged: $0
Salaries paid: $0
Overhead costs: $0
Money in the kitty today: $60

We don't know how to even begin quantifying what all of this has achieved. As one of the volunteers who grew up in the village said: "You don't know what is in my heart."

A very big thank you to all of you, scattered around the world, who have and continue to share your ideas, resources and thoughts with us.

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